Web hosting and domain registration fees are due next week, PMC web sites will go down without your help, please Support PMC so these web sites can say online.

PMC Elite Dangerous, Star Map (EDSM)

By AnthorNet

Without your support there will be web site down time, so please Support PMC, thank you.

You can find more detailed information about PMC web site hosting issue from PMC Tactical Forum "PMC websites from shared hosting to Virtual Private Server" topic.

Elite Dangerous Star Map (EDSM) is a community effort to store and calculate systems coordinates around the Elite Dangerous Galaxy.

By registering to EDSM, you will be able to submit new star systems and distances to calculate new coordinates for these systems. You will also have access to shared flight log across a bunch of software who supports EDSM.

Please note that elite star coordinator (edstarcoordinator.com) or EDSC is obsolete website and should not be used anymore, all your star system information should be stored to EDSM instead.

EDSM Homepage

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