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Welcome to PMC Tactical's Elite Dangerous pages. We are the old school PMC Space Monkey's from 1984
These pages are just CMDR Snake Man's personal notes, written since start of Premium Beta testing, these are not meant to be mainstream web site stuff. If some of the pages are out of context, odd, incomplete or off color whatever, now you know why.
Resource Extraction Sites (RES)
Compromised Navigation Beacons
Combat Analysis with difference ships
EliteOCR by seeebek
TradeDangerous by kfsone
Landing pad size and distance from star tutorial
Captain's Log by Genar-Hofoen
Pristine Reserves Metallic Rings
Federation and Empire rank progression
Journal, players journal or commander's log
Exploration, Mining, Trading 2019
Exploration PMC Earth Like World Tour
From Scratch Trading (in open play)
PMC Elite Dangerous Youtube videos
Searching Tritium Hotspots 2021
If you enjoyed this content please help with web site hosting fees, head over to Support PMC page, much appreciated.